
2015 09/02-09/07

我們接待了來自湖南的李小姐一家。車導當然是我們的王牌周經理(Joe). 從長沙來到台灣之後直接殺到逢甲夜市吃台灣小吃感受夜市人生啊。到了台南由於台南小吃都偏甜,吃慣湘菜的李小姐一家吃的不太習慣。細心的周經理注意到後在之後的餐廳推薦都會特別找比較重口味的。在南投九族文化村一家人都玩了非常刺激的瑪雅探險。九族文化村是以臺灣原住民為主題的樂園,有刺激的遊樂設施然後結合臺灣九大原住民族族群的各項文化特色展示和表演。九族文化村還有日月潭纜車,沿途可俯瞰日月潭湖光山色,天晴氣朗時並可眺望遠方的埔里盆地。他們在台北時還去了非常夯的歪腰郵筒!

We welcomed Ms Li family from Hunan. The tour guide is course our star Mr Joe. Upon touch down in Taiwan from Changsha, they went straight to Fengjia nigth market to enjoy the food and bazaar atmosphere. At Tainan, due to the food is mainly sweet in taste and Ms Li's family is used to Hunan cuisine which is mainly spicy therefore they are not used to the Tainan food. Joe had notice the slight discomfort so from then on he tend to recommend restaurant which se...rves spciy food. At Nantou, they went to The Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village and had fun with the exciting roller coaster ride. The park is establish as a place to both preserve and teach about Taiwanese aboriginal heritage while, at the same time, provide a spacious venue for people to spend and enjoy their leisure time. And from the park, there is cable car to Sun Moon Lake which gets a very good view. At Taipei, they also went to the popular slanted post box which was caused by Typhoon.


