四川國際旅遊交易博覽會圓滿結束~ 反應熱烈,人潮洶湧。特別多人來詢問南瑛的自由行。表示很想來台灣而且不想跟團。可惜啊,目前四川只有成都戶口的才可以來台灣自由行。樂山的朋友們要自由行就要在等等啦。
SiChuan International Tour Fair had successfully ended on the 30 of Sep 2015. The respond is fantastic, lots of enquires for the amazing crowd. Unfortunately the resident from Le Shan is not able to come to Taiwan on Free & Easy visa, they have to come as a tour group not on their own. In SiChuan currently only resident from ChengDu is able to come to Taiwan on G visa.